Meet the Cooks

As women we try to wear many hats, some we are better at than others. One of the hats we wear is Chef/Baker! I love to cook. The hardest thing I have found though is finding good easy recipes that dont have 15 weird ingredients that no one has ever heard of! Why would I want to waste my time effort and dollar bills on something that may or may not be good? Sometimes I get in a cooking rut and I go to my lazy meals... no one wants spaghetti and tacos every week! That is why we started this cooking blog! To get out of cooking ruts, to share delicious (picky) husband approved recipes, and to cook! I hope you enjoy this blog and the many recipes we share! If you are interested in contributing you own recipes let us know! 
Leave us a comment ! 

Brandy- I am a wife, cook, and totally addicted to reality tv!. I spend most of my time looking at and printing out recipes from my many blogs I follow. My husband jokes and says he is my guinea pig for all my new recipes, some are hits and some are not! My favorite type of cooking is Italian, I think I could eat pasta 3 times a day. I love to spend time with my husband and my niece and nephew, and when they are not around I am usually trying to get caught on my tv shows I have on the DVR.

Jenifer- I am a wife, a mother (to two little dogs, do they not count?? ; ) ), photographer, and cook, among many other things! When I first got married I was so motivated to cook! I somehow lost that motivation and recently found it again! I have been married for two and half years and have been blessed beyond measure! I am originally from Las Vegas and moved to the beautiful South three years ago! It didnt take me long to pick up on Southern cooking... more butter here.. more cream there! It didnt take long for the accent to kick in either! I enjoy spending time with my husband, attempting new hobbies, photography, and traveling!!

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